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Book: Physical Therapy of Cerebral Palsy (Paperback)

1st January, 2008

[Image: ptofcp.jpg]This book is a derivative of Dr. Miller’s well-regarded Cerebral Palsy and focuses on rehabilitation techniques. The book discusses the theory and techniques used by physical and occupational therapists, and also provides suggestions for implementing an Individual Education Plan. Tables and algorithms are included to help in the decision-making process for determining what treatment would be most beneficial. Chapters in section one deal with fundamental aspects of cerebral palsy management, from understanding motor impairment, to evaluating equipment use, to navigating the relationship with the families of patients. In section two, physical therapists cover specific rehabilitation techniques, including neurodevelopment therapy, hippotherapy, and assistive devices. On the accompanying CD there are more than 100 case studies, as well as videos of children with gait disorders.
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