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A Color of His Own Inspired Mosaic Craft

[Source:  No Time for Flash Cards]

This activity is all about doing your own thing, making your chameleon whatever color or combination of colors you want. The benefits of this craft are numerous; the peel and stick foam requires children to peel the backing off which is wonderful fine motor practice, and placing the shapes and fitting them together is just like a puzzle. Children use their spatial skills too. That is why I was so excited when my 6-year-old and our younger neighbor loved this mosaic craft for preschool. You can do this craft as a group project or as a free choice activity after reading the book. I would suggest free choice because the nature of this craft means you can make the chameleon how you want it and some preschoolers will take a lot of time, others will add on four shapes an eye and be done, and that’s great!

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