AAC Corner: Video Modeling for AAC
[Source: Teaching Learners with Special Needs]
Video Modeling is an evidence based practice in special education. Entire new companies have popped up claiming their way of doing it is magical even! However, it doesn’t take much to do effective video modeling for any skill, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Essentially all you need is the child’s communication system or a duplicate of it and a way to record video – which can be your phone, a tablet or a camera.
The purpose of video modeling is to create a video representation of a skill that can be watched and imitated. Video modeling doesn’t replace instruction, visual supports or interaction. Instead it reinforces skills taught and, for some learners, can act almost as a video encyclopedia where they can “look up” how to perform a skill. Video modeling in AAC allows students to have additional aided language stimulation outside of instruction or interactions. It can also be a way for the student to review vocabulary they have learned. Video models of AAC can be used instructionally or students can self-select watching them during leisure time.
Read the Rest of this Article on Teaching Learners with Special Needs
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