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Book Review: Red Hat

9th February, 2015

Reviewed by Meghan Graham of
Book by:  Lita Judge

Book Description:  Similar to Lita Judge’s winter story, Red Sled (see review here) a little girl leaves her red hat outside on the clothes line, and many forest animals decide to borrow it for some fun. However, when they return the hat…it isn’t the same.

Goals & Objectives:

  • Early narrative (simple sequence story)
  • Perspective taking
  • Early prediction
  • Emotion/Facial Expression/Body language
  • Vocabulary (forest animals: rabbits, raccoons, bears, porcupine, etc.)
  • Social Pragmatics and Problem Solving
  • Speech Production

Why I like this Story:  A nice sequel to the Red Sled story, with wonderful illustrations as a mainly “wordless” book.

Ideas for Use: 

  • Have children be the “teacher” and read it to you. Encourage temporal markers (first, next, then) and expanding on their language. Would be great to incorporate with early learning of story grammar elements (character, settings, initiating

Read the Rest of this Book Review on All4MyChild
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