[Source: Disability Scoop]

Selah isn’t ready to work yet.
Carrie Kerr asks, “Do you want a drink?”
Selah grabs a bright pink iPad programmed with more than 3,000 words and matching pictures, including a skunk for a fun kid word like “fart.” Pronouns in yellow-colored boxes, adjectives in blue, nouns in white, verbs in green with different shades for past tense and other conjugations.
Symbols for drinking water appear on the screen and a girl’s version of Siri’s voice says “drink water.”
Selah Oelschlager is 6 years old and learning to talk.
“It’s hard for her to find the words verbally, but easy for her to find them here,” says Kerr, a speech pathologist, referring to the electronic device she calls Selah’s “talker.”
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