Insta-Regram of the Week: Shamrock Under ‘Glass’

Editor’s Note: My favorite part of Instagram is seeing all the great ideas contributed through classroom and clinic photos by therapy clinicians all over the world. These are regular working therapists that don’t necessarily have the the time to share their ideas daily in a blog, but who have great, share-worthy ideas nonetheless. Here is one we saw last week that we had to “regram” and share with you here on our blog!
[Source: @anniedoyle226 on Instagram]
I originally saw the snow globe activity posted by Nicole Allison of Speech Peeps using the lids from frozen coffee drinks. I modified the activity for St. Patrick’s day by using various sized circles. My students placed a large yellow circle traced from the lid in the middle of a green sheet of construction paper. Then they used a circle punch to punch out three green circles which they shaped into a shamrock. They cut out a freestyle stem and glued it to the bottom of the shamrock. This shamrock was glued to the large yellow circle. Using circle punches, the students made assorted sized yellow circles and glued them all over the paper. These were their gold coins! Finally, I hot glued the frozen coffee lid onto the large yellow circle. Voila, St. Patrick’s Day “snow globe.” I was lucky to get 60 lids from our local Dunkin Donuts for free!
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