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Pediatric Therapy Corner: Circle of Concern/Influence

circleby Joanna Verdone, OTR/L
I have been trying to teach my social groups about being proactive.  I am so tired of hearing excuse after excuse.  This lesson seemed to go over really well to help the students realize they do have control over things in their life.
Here is a lesson plan I have come up to teach kids about Circle of Concern/Influence:

1. Define Circle of Concern: things that you often waste time and energy worrying about, but that you have little to no control over.

2. Define Circle of Influence: Things that you can control in your daily life.

3. Discuss things you can control and things outside of your control.

4. Tape or write examples of things inside circle of concern (cannot control) and circle of influence (things you can control).

5. A Proactive person looks at the things or aspects of the things inside the circle of concern and they see how they can take some control over the situation.

6. A Reactive person looks at the things in the circle of concern and allows those factors to affect their mood, emotions, and actions.

7. Where do you spend more of your energy? Do you focus more on things in your Circle of Concern or in your Circle of Influence?

About the Author:   Joanna Verdone is an Occupational Therapist with over 15 years of experience in pediatrics.  This year Joanna is having a blast with her social skills class for 5-7th graders. 

Read the Rest of this Lesson Plan HERE

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