SLP Corner: Erik X Raj’s Commencement CSD Speech
[Source: Erik X. Raj]
Editor’s Note: Erik Raj is a good friend of ours here at PediaStaff. A couple weeks ago, he had the opportunity to deliver the commencement speech at Wayne State University’s (Erik’s Alma Mater) Graduation Ceremony for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in Detroit, Michigan. It’s an inspired and excellent message to all our readers who are graduating with their degrees in the field, so we wanted to share it with everyone!
Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Dr. Daniels, and a huge thank you to every single Wayne State University community member that is sitting right behind me on this stage. Each one of you has positively impacted me as a speech-language pathologist, and each one of you on this stage has also positively impacted each and every one of our students. Also, a big thank you to the parents, family members, and close friends here today with the students. They, too, have helped to mold these students to who we see right now. And what a fine bunch of students we have in this auditorium today. You women and men are the future leaders of the fields of audiology and speech-language pathology. Seriously, the future. Let’s clap it up for that one.
Read (or Watch the Video of) the Rest of the Speech on Erik X. Raj’s blog
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