Speech Activities for “Froggy Gets Dressed”

[Source: Superpower Speech]
I’m attempting a new idea to stream-line my therapy preparations: month long themes. I know these are common in classrooms, but since I see most of my students only twice per week, it makes it much more difficult to carry a theme on for only 3-4 weeks. Plus, there is the added complication of the age ranges from 5-11. Because of the huge range of skills to be worked on with my population, I need to have a vast array of materials.
I’ve decided that at the end of the month, I will take all the file folders and books I’ve used for the month, and file it under “February”. Then next year when February comes around, I’m all set.
February’s theme is “body parts” (cause of the “heart”. get it?)
And although I had to stretch the theme to include “clothes I put on body parts”, I decided to use “Froggy Gets Dressed” as one of February’s books.
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