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Study: Kindergarten Boys Less Interested in Language Activities

[Source:  Science Daily]

A Norwegian study of kindergarten children reveals that girls are more interested in language activities than boys. As a result boys may receive less linguistic stimulation and become less prepared for school than girls.

It is well known that girls develop language skills earlier than boys. A study from the Norwegian Reading Centre at the University of Stavanger also reveals that kindergarten-age girls are more interested in reading and other activities that promote linguistic awareness.
“This is thought-provoking. When boys participate less in language activities, there is a danger that they lose out on important linguistic stimulation that promotes key language skills as they start learning to read. They may also miss out on the positive experiences of reading that girls get,” says Elisabeth Brekke Stangeland, Ph.D. Candidate at the Reading Centre at the University of Stavanger.
Previous studies of children’s language skills have mainly been based on reports from parents. This study gets it material from The Stavanger Project, where kindergarten staff have observed the children’s language development.
Read the Rest of this Article on Science Daily

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