Stuttering Linked to Genetics, Motor Control
[Sources: Telegraph UK, CNN]
Like in the movie which stars Colin Firth as King George VI, it has been assumed that a stammer is caused by anxiety and psychological problems caused in early life.
New Research Suggest that mutated genes which are inherited are more likely to be the blame, affecting the brain’s ability to control the voice muscles.
The new findings discussed at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington could lead to new drug treatment and therapies to reverse the effects of the genetic damage.
Dr Dennis Drayna, a researcher at the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, who led the research, made the discovery after studying families in which stuttering appeared to be passed down.
He has implanted the faulty human genes into mice to see how they damage the brain.
Read A CNN Blog Post by Sanjay Gupta on this Study
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