Career Corner: How to Become an OT from a Different Education Path

[Source: Mama OT]
I often receive emails from college or grad school students who have discovered the field of occupational therapy and are freaking out for two reasons: 1) they are super excited about this new potential career and 2) they are really nervous and confused about whether they will need to change their major in order to pursue a career in occupational therapy because they are already sooooo far into their educational career. These types of emails have come from students studying to become nurses, marriage and family therapists, business people, and more.
If this type of scenario applies to you or someone you know, get ready!
Here are some things to know and think about when considering the transition to occupational therapy from another major or educational path: I don’t believe any previous undergraduate major or educational training was a “mistake” when it comes to preparing for a career in occupational therapy. Your past experiences shape and mold you in order to help you become a unique and powerful occupational therapy practitioner, so please don’t be discouraged!
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