Fine Motor Coordination Activity of the Week: Finger Gymnastics
[Source: The Inspired Treehouse]
Kids use their hands and fingers all day long as they play and complete functional tasks. They grasp small objects, they fasten zippers and buttons, they play with games that have small pieces, they open snack packages, and they have to pick up those snacks to eat them!
Whew! Those little fingers are working hard! Kids who struggle with in-hand manipulation skills have difficulty moving and manipulating objects within their hands. There are three in-hand manipulation skills: shift, rotation, and translation.
Kids need to be strong with all of these skills to be successful with school-based, play-based, and self-care tasks. As a warm-up to other activities like handwriting during OT sessions, I like to lead kids through a quick round of Finger Gymnastics to target the in-hand manipulation skills.
Explore These Activities on the Inspired Treehouse
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