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Feelings Mandala Activity

[Source:  The Art of Social Work]


This is a simple intervention to explore emotions with children.

  1. Simply print off a variety of mandalas and allow the child to choose one to color.
  2. Ask the child to list the feelings they typical have below or above the mandala and draw a small circle next to each feeling.
  3. Have the child pick a color for each feeling and fill in the circles with the colors to use a guide to remember which colors belong to which feelings.
  4. Invite the child to color the mandala with the feelings color to show how often they have the feelings. For example, “Now you can start coloring. “If there is a feeling you have a lot of in your life, color more of the picture with that color. If there is a feeling you don’t notice having very much, only color a little of the picture with that color.”

Read the Rest of this Post on The Art of Social Work


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