SLP Corner: Visual Thanksgiving Recipes

[Source: The Autism Helper]
I am a go all out kinda girl. I like to do things big – borderline over the top, in the gray area of ridiculousness, and questionably out of control. I want a 12 foot Christmas tree, 6 inch stilettos, unlimited toppings on my ice cream sundae, 3 layer birthday cakes, and purses that are bigger than the left side of my body. I like to bring the best present with the biggest bow. You get the picture. I especially I am like this with my beloved babies at school. I spoil them and I know it. I don’t even care. I think some of my kiddos don’t get spoiled enough and they deserve it. So in the spirit of over-the-topness, let me explain our Thanksgiving party.
Instead of doing a typical Thanksgiving party with a little turkey craft and November Bingo, we have a feast. And when I say feast – I mean feast. If you can make it in the microwave or on a hot plate – we make it! Stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberries, pumpkin pie, and gravy! We buy thick cut turkey deli meat for the ‘turkey’ of our meal. It is a blast! We usually blow a fuse. We get in stations for the party and everyone gets a chance to make 2 or 3 different dishes. Then we combine all of the food into a big huge buffet. The kids can go through the line and request each option. It’s super fun!
I thought I’d share some of this Thanksgiving loving with some of our visual recipes. Cooking is a great way to work on following directions, sequencing, expressive/receptive language, vocabulary and Picture Exchange Communication – all in a fun and motivating way.
Download Sasha’s Visual Schedule Thanksgiving Recipes from her original blog post!
About the Author: Sasha Hallagan – Sasha Hallagan is a special education teacher in Chicago, IL. She received her undergraduate degree in Special Education and has a Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. Sasha is the writer and founder of The Autism Helper ( – a website dedicated to providing applicable resources for those working with children with autism. Sasha also works as a speaker and consultant providing training and feedback to parents, educators, and therapists in the world of autism.
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