SLP Corner: 10 Questions About Dog Basketball Your Students Will Love

by Eric X. Raj, M.S. CCC-SLP
Reprinted with permission of the author as it appeared on the Speech Therapy Ideas blog on Pocket
It isn’t every day that you get to see a DOG playing BASKETBALL! Wow, I sure was impressed when I came across this 1 minute video on YouTube so I felt the need to share it with with my 3rd grade students. I believe that incorporating audio-visual media into the speech therapy session really helps children who have language difficulties. If I were to simply talk about a dog playing basketball, that would be too abstract for the kiddos. Similarly, if I were to show a picture of a dog playing basketball, they wouldn’t be able to truly see and comprehend what an amazing talent that the pet had. By showing my students this video, I was able to get some great conversation going in our little speech room.
Questions before they see the furry hoop star! Woof!
Before I showed the video, I asked the following questions:
- Have you ever played a game of basketball with your friends?
- Finish this sentence for me, “I love to play basketball because . . .”
- What items do we need to play a game of basketball? Why are those items important? (hoop, ball, sneakers, water bottle, etc)
- Have you ever seen real animals (not cartoons) playing basketball before? Is it possible for real animals to play basketball?
- Do you or someone you know have a dog? Give us details about the pet.
Once my kiddos properly answered the questions, I whipped out the iPad and showed them the video. Since the clip is so short, I played it 2 times because they were begging to see it once more.
Questions after they see the furry hoop star! Woof!
- What was the name of the dog?
- Do you think that dog was smart? If so, please explain to the group why you thought so.
- Do you think that the owner was smart? If so, please explain to the group why you thought so.
- What toy do you think that particular dog would enjoy playing with more, a bone or a basketball? Why?
- What show do you think that dog would enjoy more watching more, a cooking show or a basketball show? Why?
In closing . . .
Are you using the power of video clips within your speech therapy sessions? If not, consider giving it a try. I am confident you will be able to target tons of your students’ goals and objectives through fun and kid-friendly video clips that can be played on your iPad.
Featured Contributor: Erik X. Raj, M.S., CCC-SLP
Erik X. Raj, M.S., CCC-SLP is a practicing speech-language pathologist living in Detroit, Michigan. Originally from Jackson, New Jersey, he received his B.S. from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and was awarded a M.S. from Misericrodia University. During his free time, Erik enjoys visiting the best museums, art galleries, and Thai restaurants around.
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